New Weight loss goals


before I get on with the goals i want to get a little person and talk to you about my battles with being over weight i am hoping that people who are dealing with the same thing can see that their not alone at this, All my life I have struggled with being fat like a lot of us do I am sure that we all have tried many things and some of us have failed or life has taken over so we cannot dedicate all the time we need to deal with losing all the weight or a few ponds now I was reaching 400 ponds due to stress and emotional eating and had type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure and cholesterol i was even starting to lose my breath at night which is never a good thing I have also been one of those who active a lot and the weight would never stabilize so I went and looked in to getting Surgery,

There are types of weight loss Operations so it is best to do your research and talk to people who has done through it and monitor their changes this helps get rid of being Scared, for two years i came in contact with a guy who had this Sleeve Gastrectomy operation that’s when they cut out a large part of your stomach. I got to know this man really well he has help me a lot when I saw the Doctors had the meetings and even start all the other doctor visits I decided why wait until i get the surgery let me start now so I started to change everything.


I was drinking 2 or some times 3 20 Oz bottles of soda a day yeah I know its crazy so I started limiting the amount to one 16 oz a day and started to drink a lot more water and taking a water bottle with me every where I went. In the morning I started Drinking juice in a shot glass and start having sodas 3 times a week, then I started a drinking chart I was drinking ! soda a week, then as subs 1 ice a week and Gatorade and everything else water, I wasn’t sure if I was strong enough to make these changes but it started to work in 2 months i noticed i lost a few ponds,

There are a lot of things with meals some times we eat will we are stressed or pissed off and some times we are on meds that makes us over eat and some of us of glandular problems and portion control Unfortunately a few of us suffer from all of the above, i use to heat awhile box of mac n cheese and half a pond of meat so you know that differently isn’t good, and some times if i already ate and went out with friends and they would buy something to eat i would do, it was a horrible trigger i had to get rid of, so i start by, limiting all bad greasy foods and lowering my portion then I started to eat more fruits and Veggies and also cutting down on snacks then eating very small portions 6 times a day.

Sorta work outs,

As soon As I got those things under control started to set my alarm to 8 am waking up and taking a walk for an hour around the park or the neighborhood while listening to books or music once i got use to walking I started jogging and I bought two 15 ponds dumb bells and a resistance band, and i use them while i was watching tv, 7 months later I lost 25 ponds then it was time for my operation,
I just want to let everyone know that Weight loss Surgery is a tool and you MUST keep up with the meal plans and work out in order for you to lose as much ass possible as time goes on you will be hungry again but never over eat and try not to stray, you will lose a lot of weight but the problem is keeping it off, if you not careful it will come back ,

Now that you know a little bout my horrible habits in the past I can now tell you everything I have changed and on a side bar it is very easy for skinny people doctors and even fitness instructors to say work out more and eat less 85 % of those people never had these types of problems like we do so try not to listen to them so much and try to find what fits you very body is different and of different needs make sure you can find the best one for you,

New Goals,
Right now I am currently 250 ponds I had the operation a year and 4 months ago i am happy with my changes but i would like to go down to 180 or an even 200 ponds, so my new goals are simple and hard at the same time.
Go to the gym in the morning for an hour.
Eat 6 times a day but make sure the things are healthy and high in protein their are many books and guides online that can help you,

A lot more water and less sugar stuff and if you need to have ice team with 10 grams or less of sugar, and try some of the cleansing or flushing your body drinks those are short terms,

if your running an earrings and taking the bus or subway get off two stops before and walk,

Build my own personalized meal book using a combination of the meal plan from my operation, vegan, vegetarian organic and anything healthy this will be fun, look up books called Eat this not that and stuff about natural ways to burn belly fat and boost Metabolism.

Snacks try to find protein bars and low sugar candies so my suggestion is if you buy like a a king size crunch bar keep it in the freezer and break them in to small pieces so it can last you the whole week and the bars you can take with you with your water bottle so you can have something to snack on so you wont be over eating or spending money,

Buy or download any of the work out dvds like P90, focus t 25 or any other light work outs and use it at night like around 8 or 10:30 pm to end the night.
Get Rid of WHITE DEATH White bread White Sugar ,White rice and White Pasta are considered by some to not be too health so consider getting whole grain whole wheat , brown rice or Quinoa Raw or Cain sugar

Try talking Multi Vitamins and fiber supplements i’m not sure if fat burners work but if you like to try them.

Wraps – a long with everything Else i am also trying out these wraps you put them on your stomach and drink some water and after 45 minutes it is suppose to help melt the fat in your body and tighten that area once i start I will let you know and if any of you are interested in them please let me know i’ll hook you up,

Most importantly try to incorporate some of these with a few things that will only work for you in to your scheduled this is going to take a lot of work and getting use to but believe me this will help you out at the end and you will be a lot more happy and healthy and that is something that we all want Never stop looking for way to help yourself and for those are you who are 150 ponds or more overweight consider any of the surgeries they will help you as well, but you have to remember this is a tool not a magic pill you still have to work out and follow a meal plan and talk to your doctors for any changes, these are my new goals and im happy to share with you all,